Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tasmanian Shell Necklaces in Paris 1855

Hobart Mercury Tuesday 24 July 1855 NB: Text digitally recovered and only partly corrected

UNLIKE: the Sydney Catalogue, which comprises the list and description of tho articles, many of which were forwarded for local exhibition only, and not for transmission to Paris, -and hence the difficulty of instituting a fair comparison,-tho Tasmanian Catalogue only embraces the contributions of products which were actually forwarded to the Exposition.... The number of Tasmanian exhibitors was 90, and the various pioduct* transmitted, according to the gioup and class arrangements,were as follows :1st Group, Class I.-Mining and Metallurgical Products. " - Cla« TI,-ivory thing relatingtothe Management of Trees, to Hunting, Shooting, and Products obtained without cultivation-Mineral.Vegetable.'Amina!, Agriculture. VI.-Machinery and Apparatus for Work- shops." X.-Chemical Manipulalotions, Dyeing and Printing, Paper, Leather, Skins, India Rubber, &c.
1st Group, Class II.-'Preparation and preservation of Alimentary Substances.
Class X11.-Hygiene,Pliai niacy,Surgery, and Medicine.
Class XVI.-Works in Metal.
Class X VII-Goldsmitli'sWork,Jewellery, &c.
Class XX.-Woollen & WorstedManufactures.
Class XXII.-Flax and Hemp'Manufactures.
Class XXIII.-Mercery, Hosiery, Carpets, Embroidery, &c. &e.
7th Group, Class XXIV.-Pioiiitcts of Industry, - Industry applied to Furniture and Decollations,
1st Group, Class XXVI.-Drawing andModelling, Letterpress and Copper plate Printing ana Photography.
Class XXVIII.-Painting, Engraving, ami Lithography.

And a few Miscellaneous Articles, consisting^ of a bundle of broad paling, contributed by Mr. John Abbott, six billiard CUPS by Sir William Denison, a churn of Huon Pine and Wattlewood by Mr. T. I, .fennings, five brushes of Colonial Manufacture by the Executive Committee, and eight necklaces of shell, prepared and worn by the Aborigines of Tasmania, as ornaments round their neck U""A e"pT6poVlĂ­"a,tutting opportunities to wade through the Catalogue, and in a succession of notices to bring these contr¡butions under the attention of our readers, as a nieass of directing their enterprise to the successful prosecution of their duty in developing the resources of the colony,

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